Other services

Chef by the hour

Amalurreko. Have your products prepared in the kitchen of your choice.
Consult prices.

Food Service for mountaineers

Have a full menu ready for your return from the mountain.
Consult menu, prices and spaces.

Meals for couples

Special menu for intimate celebrations
Meals to order

Kitchen Service

This option is great to forget about cooking in the holidays.
Different kitchen service: full board, half board, one meal
Consult prices for accomodation and shopping


For those who must or want to follow a special diet.
Learn how to cook the necessary food based on your diet.
Consult diets.

No time

Do you spend a lot of time working and not enough time for eating well. Learn how to cook for the whole week.
Consult prices.


In all our services Km0 food or organic food is used.Except when the client does the shopping.

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